Dispenser Onboarding
Welcome to Trust.med's dispenser onboarding documentation. The following guide outlines the process for dispensers (pharmacies, clinics, and hospitals) to register and onboard into Trust.med's Level 5 Platform. Please book an onboarding meeting to begin the process of onboarding or follow the documentation below.
Registration and access to the Trust.med's Level 5 Platform is free for dispensers.
Who we are
Trust.med is a Level 5 supply chain data technology provider. We provide web based infrastructure and software applications to support pharmaceutical trading partners, regulatory agencies, and their technology solution providers. Our internet based infrastructure and applications provide trading partners the ability to exchange drug product data and requests for drug product data on the Drug Supply Chain.
Our customers make their product data and the locations of their product data discoverable on the internet. Allowing downstream partners and agencies to find and request drug product data without requiring point-to-point data connections.
Why Dispensers Use Trust.med
Title II of the Drug Supply Chain Security Act (DSCSA) requires dispensers have the ability to perform data requests, access serialized product data, and verify products from their trading partners. Trust.med provides dispensers the ability to perform these DSCSA required tasks through its technology at no cost.
This documentation provides instructions to onboard as a dispenser into the Trust.med Level 5 Platform. If at anytime you need assistance you can schedule time with our customer service team to aid with onboarding.
After successful onboarding, as a dispenser, you will have the ability to receive and search serialized product data associated with your locations , verify drug products, submit drug product tracing requests, and receive electronic drug recall notifications.
Onboarding Process
Book a meeting with our customer service team or follow the steps below to onboard as a new dispenser.
Step 1
Step 1 - Identify Your Locations
To start the onboarding process every dispenser must identify each of their physical locations. Physical locations are identified using a street name and address as well as using a Global Location Number, GLN for short. Global Location Numbers uniquely identify locations involved in product movement along the supply chain. GLNs are issued by GS1, a global standards body.
I know my GLN(s)
If you know your GLN(s) for each of your physical locations you are ready to move onto step 2 of the onboarding process. You will need to submit a GLN for each of your locations.
I am unsure if I have a GLN(s)
If you are unsure if you have a GLN you can use the GLN Lookup Tool provided by GS1 to perform a search.
I do not have a GLN(s)
If you do not have a GLN for your location(s), you will need to obtain one to continue with onboarding. GLN's can be purchased from GS1 for a small one-time fee. In some cases Trust.med or its customer may reimburse or subsidize the cost for purchasing a new GLN.
If you are adding more than 3 locations to your Trust.med account please complete the Location Activation spreadsheet and email it with your business name to support@trust.med. If you are adding 3 locations or less please use the Dispenser Onboarding form in step 3 to add users.
It is a best practice to perform a GLN search prior to purchasing a new GLN to ensure one does not already exist.
Once you have identified your GLN's you are ready to move onto Step 2 of the onboarding process.
Step 2 - Users and Integrations
Define the users and integration partners who will be provided access to your Trust.med account.
Identifying Users
Dispensers have the ability to add users to their Trust.med account. Each account must have at minimum one administrative user. Every user within a dispenser account has the ability to view serialized product data, acknowledge electronic drug product recall notifications, submit drug product tracing requests, and verify drug products.
Solution providers (technical partners) may be allocated access to your Trust.med account as a user if you desire.
Gather the following details for users you would like to add to your
Trust.med account:
- First and Last Name
- Associated Company Name
- Email Address
- Phone Number (direct line preferred)
- Primary Working Location
- Account Type (admin / standard)
If you are adding more than 3 users to your Trust.med account please complete the User Assignment spreadsheet and email it with you business name to support@trust.med. If you are adding 3 users or less please use the Dispenser Onboarding form in step 3 to add users.
Step 2
Once you have identified the users who will need access to your account your are ready to move onto Step 3 of the onboarding process.
Selecting an Integration Point (optional)
Each dispenser account can elect one integration point to view and interact with data. Integration points offer dispensers the ability to access data and tools from the Trust.med Level 5 Platform in the systems and applications they use on a daily basis. Examples of integration points are: inventory management systems, compliance software, or a proprietary system designed for other business needs.
Selecting an integration point does not guarantee an integration will be built as mutual development is required and not all integration points will meet the minimum qualifications to be an integration point for Trust.med.
Step 3
Step 3 - Complete the Onboarding Form
Complete the Onboarding Form and schedule a training session.
The final step of onboarding is to take the information you gathered in steps 1 and 2 and submit it using the onboarding form below.
After completing the Dispenser Onboarding Form use the button below to book a meeting with the Trust.med Customer Service team to complete the account creation and verification process required to complete the onboarding process.
GLN research & Purchase
Find Your GLN
Search for GLNs using the following GS1 tools:
Option 1:
Find GLNs by Company Name ➡️
Option 2:
Find GLNs by Company Name (Alternative Method) ➡️
In some cases a GLN may exist for your location(s) and the GLN does not populate within GS1s public searches. This may be because of privacy settings set by the purchasing entity.
Our customer service team can perform an additional search for GLNs associated with your location(s) through an advanced GS1 search. Please contact our team if you would like us to perform this search for GLNs on your behalf.
Registering a GLN
If you have performed a GLN search and/or contacted our customer service team to perform a search on your behalf and not found any assigned GLNs you will need to purchase one. GLNs can be purchased from GS1:
If you need assistance with the purchase process a member of our team can assist you with the process.
In some cases Trust.med or its customers may reimburse dispensers for the purchase of their GLNs. Contact customer service for details.
Customer Support
Monday - Friday 9:00am to 5:00pm (EST)
Email: support@trust.med Phone: 855-630-0633