
The API Allows you to gather and edit multiple different facets of data within your account.

As a manufacturer, you will be able to gather information about your recalls and the notifications sent for those recalls. You will also be able to add a GTIN/NDC to your account, assign resolvers to those GTIN/NDCs and create/edit Resolver Links tied to those resolvers.

As a Distributor or Dispenser, you will be able to gather the notifications sent to you and acknowledge those recall notifications.

As a Third Party, you will be able to do the above for the appropriate type of account that you are responsible for.

Overview of the API

The API uses token based authentication.

Other forms of authentication, ATP for example, may be added later and this document will be updated accordingly.

This document will show all API calls with examples in both Python and CURL. The Python version is expected to use the latest version of the Python library.

Using the API

The API uses Token based Authentication. In order to use the API, you will need to be provided with a username and password by your Representative.

Sandbox Testing

In order to test the API within a Sandbox environment, there are a few extra steps:

You will need to have your representative provision a TESTING API username and password for the system. This is a different set of credentials than those mentioned in the “Before You Begin” section.

You will need to provide the IP addresses for all of the test machines to your representative.

⚠️ All endpoints in this document will need to have the “” replaced with “”⚠️


Once you have credentials and are able to access the system you will be able to do the following:

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Generating a Token

Endpoint 1/4

POST /token

The API uses the Authorization token sent in the Header of a request to authenticate a user.

Example Body: POST

The header will look like the following:

"Authorization: Bearer 123abc...987zyx"

In order to generate the access token, follow these steps:

1. Gather your username and password.
2. Send a request to the Access Token Generation endpoint.
3. You will send the username, password, scope, grant_type and client_id as Post Body elements.

Example Body: 

"client_id": "dotmed",
"grant_type": "password",
"scope": "openid",
"username": "your-username",
"password": "your-password",

import requests

payload = {
    'client_id': 'dotmed',
    'grant_type': 'password',
    'scope': 'openid',
    'username': 'your-username',
    'password': 'your-password',

r ="", data=payload)


curl --request POST \
--url '' \
--header 'content-type: application/json' \
--data '{"client_id": "dotmed", "grant_type": "password", "scope": "openid", "username": "your-username", "password": "your-password"}'

List Manufacturer Recalls

Endpoint 2/4

This endpoint provides a list of active recalls.
Manufacturers engaging with this endpoint will receive a list of their active recalls.

Dispensers and Wholesalers engaging with this endpoint will receive a list of active recalls initiated by manufacturers.

In order to use this endpoint, you will need to Generate an Access Token first. Once you have your access token, you will attach the access token to the header as a "Bearer Token" authorization type.

This endpoint will return a list of recall objects. Each will have the following schema:

Name Type Description
id number .Med ID for the recall
identifier String Recall submitter’s identifier for recall
manufacturer String Manufacturer’s name
manufacturer_event_number String Manufacturer event number/id
manufacturer_phone String Phone number including country code
initiation_date Date Date the recall was initiated
root_cause String The location of the root cause pdf
reason String The reason for this recall
recall_level Number The level of the recall
1 - Wholesale, 2 - Dispenser, 3 - Patient
recall_class Number Recall's Class (1, 2, or 3)
stop_immediately Boolean True / False
letter_wholesale String Download URL of the wholesale letter pdf
letter_pharmacy String Download URL of the dispenser letter pdf
letter_patient String Download URL of the patient letter pdf
products Object List of product objects
products: name String Name of the product being recalled
products: earliest_ship_date Date Earliest Ship Date for the product
products: ndc_list Object List of NDC objects containing all NDC information
products: ndc_list: inner_label String Inner Item NDC
products: ndc_list: outer_label String Carton NDC
products: ndc_list: distributor Array List of distributors for the product
products: ndc_list: lots Object Lots associated with the NDC
products: ndc_list: lots: number String Lot Number
products: ndc_list: lots: expiration_date Date Expiration date for the lot
products: ndc_list: lots: sgtin Array List of SGTINs associated with the lot
company Number The .Med Id for the company initiating the recall
created_by Number The .Med Id for the user initiating the recall
creator_email String The email of the user initiating the recall

Accepted Method(s): GET



For this example, first make sure the requests library is installed.

python -m pip install requests

token = getAccessToken()  # Defined by GenerateAccessToken endpoint

url = ''
headers = {'Authorization': f'Bearer {token}'}

r = requests.get(url, headers=headers)
curl --request GET 
--url '' 
--header 'Authorization: Bearer abc123...x_yz'


    "id": 12345,
    "identifier": "...",
    "products": [
        "id": 123,
        "ndc_list": [
            "id": 4523,
            "inner_label": "12345-123-01",

List Notifications for a Recall

Endpoint 3/4

After obtaining a list of the manufacturer recalls (List Manufacturer Recalls endpoint), you can extract a specific Recall ID from the response. This endpoint is used to generate a list of all of the notifications distributed for a particular recall.

In order to use this endpoint, you will need to Generate an Access Token first. Once you have your access token, you will attach the access token to the header as a “Bearer Token” authorization type.

This endpoint will return a list of Notification objects, each will have the following schema:

Name Type Description
id Number .Med ID for the notification
recall_id Number .Med ID for the recall
acknowledge Boolean Whether the notification has been acknowledged
ack_date DateTime Date of the acknowledgment
created_at DateTime When the notification was created
last_notified DateTime When the notification was last delivered
company Object Details about the company the notification was sent to
company: name String The company's name
company: type Number The type of company
2 - Dispenser, 3 - Distributor
location Object Details about the individual location the data was sent
location:store_identifier String Identifier or Name of the Store
location:address,city,state,zip String Address information for the location

Accepted Method(s): GET



For this example, first make sure the requests library is installed.

python -m pip install requests

import requests

token = getAccessToken() # Defined by GenerateAccessToken endpoint
company_id = 123
url = f'{recall_id}/notification/'
headers = {'Authorization': f'Bearer {token}'}

r = requests.get(url, headers=headers)
curl --request GET 
--url '' 
--header 'Authorization: Bearer abc123...x_yz'


  "id": 12345,
  "acknowledge": true,
  "company": {...},
  "location": {...},
  "recall": {...},

Gathering New Recall Notifications (Auto-Acknowledged)

Endpoint 4/4

This endpoint will be utilized to gather all new Recall Notifications tied to the locations that the user manages. This endpoint returns data in the same fashion as the Recall endpoint, but it ensures that the data returned is only new non-accessed Notifications.

This endpoint is different from the recall or notifications endpoint in that it is a mixture of both plus a filter to only provide new information, thus providing API partners with a way to do both actions within a single call for the freshest data.

In order to use this endpoint, you will need to Generate an Access Token first. Once you have your access token, you will attach the access token to the header as a “Bearer Token” authorization type.

Accepted Method(s): GET



For this example, first make sure the requests library is installed.

python -m pip install requests

import requests

token = getAccessToken() # Defined by GenerateAccessToken endpoint
url = f''
headers = {'Authorization': f'Bearer {token}'}

r = requests.get(url, headers=headers)
curl --request GET 
--url '' 
--header 'Authorization: Bearer abc123...x_yz'


  "id": 12345,
  "products": [{
    "ndc_list": [{
      "outer_ndc": "",
   }, ...]

Example using Postman

List Notifications for a Recall

Example 1/1

1. Set postmans URL to a “POST” type via the drop down and type in the endpoint:

2. Select “Body”, change the type to “raw” and the format to "JSON".


3. Within the body, put the following values:

"client_id": "dotmed",
"grant_type": "password",
"scope": "openid",
"username": (Your .Med Provided API Username),
"password": (Your .Med Provided API Password)

4. Extract the token value from the response.

Artboard 1

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